Friday, September 22, 2017

This Week in Pictures (Sept 10)

Grisham didn't believe me when I said I could balance on the pole #danceislife 
Pt. 2 of our adventure in Werdau
Some house had these stuffed people everywhere! Totally scared me!
I had no idea what I was doing! (it actually wasn't that bad, I just needed better scissors!)
The aftermath
Thinking about my life choices as I'm getting haircut #2...
We cover Wilkau-Haßlau too! Its sooo beautiful along the river
Yummy lunch with the district. It was a veggie minestrone soup, cheap  too!! ( I wasn't feeling pizza like the rest)
This was hilarious!!! The farmer covered his hay bales with sheets so they looked like great big marshmallows in a field!!
When you have zero time for lunch you bring really weird things back to the church (we had to do area book work all day whew!)
I totally lost it after watching a Mormon message hahahah I laugh so hard at this picture. (I'm sensitive okay!)
I was practicing German flashcards and this was the first one. I found it ironic and actually helped hahahaha
Janina's flowers
I realllllly wanted to climb up higher but I'm a missionary.... and in a skirt
Some things don't change- doing my makeup at the bus stop
Flowers are sooo cheap here!! I love these shops!
Hehe failed attempt at getting a jumping picture in front of the sheep today!!
Corn fields on our bike ride today! Made me feel at home!
Pretty mansion house right before we had to tackle a death hill on bikes

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