Friday, September 22, 2017

This Week in Pictures (Sept 17)

Taken from Sister Grisham's FB page!
The Haribo factory is in Zwickau?!??!?!?
"It's okay, it's healthy, it's vegetarian"
Yay Haribo!!!!!
I have no idea how to style my hair anymore.... So I went back to elementary school.
We were trying so hard to get the Haribo sign in there but we just couldn't schaff it! hahah
#croissantmonday. It's a thing!
Service day!! We scraped out all of the grass in between the bricks. 100000x more fun than it sounds!
Castle pics!!!
My makeshift tag on Sunday.... yeah that was embarrassing!

I sent most of them to my group email but, I have more!
Tausch with Sis THORPEEEE
Proof I wore the pink shirt
We were so tired traveling to Jena at like 6 am
"I'll just hold my ticket like this so they don't disturb my sleep"
Whoops we may have worked them a little too much...

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