Monday, March 26, 2018

Saalfelder Ostereierbaum

Mom: Have you seen any of these out there yet?
Macey:YES! I didn't know its a German thing but I'll definitely take more pictures of them! They aren't that crazy big, but at least a couple dozen in some trees! They're süper fun and cute! Like where did that come from?!

Excerpts from Wikipedia:
This German tradition of decorating trees and bushes with Easter eggs is known as the Ostereierbaum, or Easter egg tree. The egg is an ancient symbol of life all over the world. Saalfelder Ostereierbaum is an apple tree in the garden of Volker Kraft in Saalfeld, Thuringia. Starting in 1965, with just 18 plastic eggs and adding an average of 700 new Easter eggs on the tree each year up to a total of 10, 000 eggs at one time in 2012. It took an average of nine days to decorate using ladders to reach the heights of the tree, and hanging the eggs from the inside near the trunk to outside of the tree branches, and from top to bottom. They remove the eggs before the leaves grow to prevent damage to the tree.  All eggs are mouth-blown, with multicolor patterns and intricate designs. Unfortunately, this family has discontinued this tradition.

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